Made in Brazil since 2016
Respecting the wood, we focus on artisanal production with our own design. Using traditional woodworking techniques that rely solely on joinery, our products are created with the conscious use of our raw materials in mind, as well as ergonomics, aesthetics, and the structural aspects of furniture built to last."
A carpenter refers to someone who transforms wood into furniture or other everyday objects, encompassing a wide range of possibilities to be explored. For quality work, knowledge of techniques, mastery over the material, creativity, and good spatial visualization are important qualities. These skills and the consolidation of knowledge - which allows a professional to achieve mastery - require time for practice and reflection in a process that involves repetition and understanding of one's own motor coordination. Mastery of the base raw material is also essential. Knowing how woods behave, what they can withstand, how to cut them in the best way, and anticipating any warping they may undergo are some of the lessons time has taught us. The tools themselves are a result of the experience gained from questioning how to improve techniques. In the past, many woodworking tools - especially manual ones - were made in the workshop itself. Planes, chisels, blades, and saws were produced in partnerships with local blacksmiths according to the specific needs of each job. Therefore, a skilled craftsman, in addition to mastering the base raw material of their work, understands the functioning, adjustments, and maintenance of the necessary equipment for machining. Mastery of the process, which involves knowledge of the material and the possibilities of the equipment, leads to clarity in the creative aspect and enables personal expression in the executed pieces.
Thiago Escher.